2022 - One piece in the Collective show "Pop Art", Mrs.Toolip Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2022 - One piece in the Collective show "Nature", Mrs.Toolip Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2020 - Solo show: "Dal mediterraneo al Mare delle Antille" (From the Mediterranean to the Antillean sea), Felix Suazo Curator, Dante Space, Coral Gables, Miami, USA. -
2019 - Solo show: "Por estos mares, del mar Mediterraneo al mar de las Antillas", Mariuska Rivas Exhibition Space, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana.
2019 - Three pieces in the " Common Threads Sanctuary 7" (A celebration of the rich tapestry of immigration, and the American narrative) exhibition, BSB Gallery, Trenton, New Jersey, USA.
2017 - Solo show: "Pescia e Dintorni, Disegni Toscani" (Pescia and its surroundings, Tuscan images), at Galleria Salvadori, Pescia, Tuscany, Italy
2016 - Solo show show: "L'arte di Daniele Ballerini" (The art of Daniele Ballerini) at the central office of the association “ASVALT,” Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy
2015 - Solo show: "A due passi dal Duomo: i quadri di Daniele Ballerini" (Around the corner from the “Duomo”: the paintings of Daniele Ballerini), at the “Paperback Exchange” (bookshop and meeting place), Via delle Oche 2, Florence, Italy (works remained in permanent exposition).
You Tube video:
2014 Solo show: "La Carta, le immagini, de idee, arte su carta di Daniele Ballerini" (Paper, images, ideas: art on paper by Daniele Ballerini) at the “Gypsoteca Libero Andreotti” in Il “Palagio” (Museum of plaster casts of the sculptor Libero Andreotti in the Palagio), Pescia, Tuscany, Italy.
You Tube video:
2013 Solo show: "Beyond the Obvious," at the Cardinali Gallery of the Società Dante Alighieri in Coral Gables, Florida, USA.
You Tube video:
2013, Solo show: "Tropicalia" at the Museum of Natural History "La
Specola," Florence, Italy.
You Tube videos:
2012 - Solo show: "Venice and New York: Two Sea Cities to See," for the inauguration of the Cardinali Gallery of the Società Dante Alighieri in Coral Gables, Florida, USA.
2011 - Two pieces representing Italy in the show: "MIAC III, (Miami International
Art Conference, III) at the main library of the city of Miami, Florida, USA
2011 - Two pieces in the:" Sister cities art show, Miami Beach" at the exposition
center of the city of Miami Beach on Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, USA.
2011 Individual show: "Watercolors," at the gallery of the Società Dante Alighieri &
the Alliance Française in Miami, Florida, USA.